macon county nc north carolina courthouse government
  macon county courthouse government quick links nc north carolina macon county nc managers office department social services macon county nc north carolina macon county nc tax mapping department macon county nc public health deparment emergency management macon county nc north carolina macon county boards & committees macon county nc north carolina employee directory senior services macon county nc north carolina franklin highlands nantahala macon county GIS mapping macon county nc sheriffs office robert holland sheriff employee email login macon county commissioner video channel

Macon County Animal
Services System Summary

MC Public Health Press Releases

MC Public Health Covid-19 Info

Macon County Housing Needs Assessment

Sheriff's Press Release

Franklin High School Assessment

Macon County Space Needs Assessment
Final Report

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How to Apply for FEMA Assistance

Welcome to the Official Website of
Macon County, North Carolina

As one of the fastest growing counties in North Carolina, Macon County strives to serve our citizens, business community and those visiting the area with the most up-to-date resources possible.

Macon County Government is dedicated to continually seeking ways to improve the services we provide to our community. Our website is one of those services.

This online portal to Macon County North Carolina Government will allow you to learn more about our agencies, download official forms, search for map, open a business or visit us, it’s all here at

Use the menu at the top of the page to browse through the many resources provided. Our most popular links are located to the left and provide you a quick way to navigate to these services and resources.

Thank you for visiting and come back soon as the content of this website is updated often.

Gov. Roy Cooper Exec. Order # 315 - September 25, 2024

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© 2010 Macon County, North Carolina
5 West Main Street • Franklin, NC 28734
Phone: 828-349-2000

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